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VISUAL CONVERSATIONS - PROCESS                                           


My work is autobiographical, in part, fusing personal stories, ancestral revelations, observations, concerns, inner explorations and global awakenings as an American citizen having lived in multiple places and numerous situations inside and outside of USA borders. 

The work metaphorically explores fundamental issues, questions and statements regarding family, death, loss, separation, greed, society, cultures, immigration, race, religion, contemporary politics and the environment mostly through symbols of the bird, bird mask, sphere/circle and clock among other repetitive shapes and objects.

The images are a sampling of visual conversations that matter in a process of dialogue between me and the material whether various paints, graphite, pastel, or a mix of objects.

The collage and assemblage images are assembled with collections of ephemera, objects and artifacts gathered from extensive national and international travels combined with carved, molded, formed, wrapped and hand-manipulated materials and paint.

The image extensions include drawings, paintings, prints, montage and collage.